Monday, January 25, 2010

I call them Mystery

‘SUPER TROUPER’ editorial with Natasha Poly photographed by Sølve Sundsbø and styled by Marie Chaix for Muse Magazine – September 2009.

I'll admit to not being crazy about the editorial- you can check it out here -but these shoes are amazing and I must know who designed them.

Norman Parkinson

The 9th photo from the top could be mid any Annie Lebowitz spread for modern Vogue. It is in fact from the October 1949 American Vogue, Edna Woolman Chase was editor at the time. I'd love to know the name of the model and whos dress she's wearing.
The rest of the photos span 1938-1960, published in British Vogue, Am Vogue, Harpers Bazaar and Queen.

The New Look

Sadly the novelty of blogging wore off and I fell out of the habit of posting. Apologies. However I'm back with more purpose than before. You'll notice a theme for a bit at least; very New Look. This all inspired by a couple out of print books by Arona McHugh, called "A Banner with a Strange Device" and "The Seacoast of Bohemia". So I am scouring the internet and vintage shops for anything with that beautiful reclaimed hourglass of the late 1940s. Would love thoughts & comments as well.